Sunday 12 October 2014

When heart gives a pep-talk

At the crossroads I stand,
Step into the world …
Build something on your own
Be unconventionally conventional.
They say lay low and follow.
Flow into the footsteps
The footsteps are sure and deep.
The castles and the bubbles
Are all a child’s dream
It’s the corporate world now
All with the keycards and Id’s.
The irony borders on hilarity.
The castle floats in the high taunting sky.
The glass prisons are truly grounded.
They say its ‘life’, lived by forefathers before,
Single life is too short to make all the mistakes
So learn from them before you go.
The ‘learnings’ are now prison bars
They doom you before your fate
Every step has a do and don’t
It’s not your life anyway.
You are free but in a debt
You owe it all, don’t you know!
Family, friends, society, they all have a claim
And of course God has the biggest stake.
Its not your life anyway…
Then why did I get this heart,
One that dreams on.
I feel it, follow it and ready for the hurts.
I never surrendered that, why would I!
The society prison is not for me.
I am a spirit, I will fly
Don’t tell me the eagle may pounce,
The lure is sky is too sweet to deny.
At my crossroad, I smile
I am a human but I wanna fly.

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